As a scientist I am committed to increasing diversity in STEM fields. Thus, I participate in outreach with two main goals: 1) increasing public scientific literacy and 2) maintaining K-12 interest in STEM careers. To this end I am involved in different outreach and mentorship programs across the globe. I partake in the Skype-a-Scientist, Letters to a Pre-Scientist, and EEB Mentor Match programs. I also have been involved in several earth day and earth focused festivals (Earth Day TX and EcoFest Arlington), and judged local science fairs.
In addition to outreach, I am also committed to the future of STEM scientists through mentorship and teaching. I have had the unique opportunity to serve as a graduate instructor as part of an Louis Stokes Minority Alliance Program undergraduate research opportunity in Roatan, Honduras. I also frequently involve undergraduates in my own research, and currently have 3 students working on various projects. Finally, I have both taught laboratory courses (plant biology, anatomy and physiology) and guest lectured in a diversity of courses (introductory biology, conservation biology, evolutionary medicine).